Cartoodles= doodles + cartoons*

I started doing these in the late 1990s when I had a car in Brooklyn Heights and therefore had to spend two hours every Tuesday morning in it waiting for the street cleaner to pass. I read books or prepared for teaching but then one day, I just started doodling in a sketchbook using a black Pilot V7 fine point pen. It was my mother who named them cartoodles. Over twenty years, they have become my therapy, my mediation, my coping mechanism, my delight, and my companion animal kingdom. I draw them sitting on my bed (which is my studio and desk) surrounded by cats, pillows, and books while listening to podcasts, WNYC, watching films, without subtitles, and binging Netflix, MUBI, Criterion. They began as simple line drawings—below is an early example—drawn quickly and spontaneously. I also began coloring them in (well before the adult coloring book fad) with bright Prismatic markers, which fade, so I have shifted to acrylic markers. I have hundreds of them of all sizes and genres which I will upload daily. They are offered here as slight, shy bundles of whimsy and affection.

*The dear, wild, essential art critic Jerry Saltz calls them Doodle Toons.

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